He had heard the sailor’s tall tales of a sea monster taking the sturdiest of ships with a single blow. When Professor Aronnax set sail that fateful day, he had no idea that he would meet the monster himself, Nemo. Oh, the adventure! Can you see the inspiration of the brass diver’s helmet in the deceptively complex design?
Available Panel Sizes
- Common sizes: 4'x8' (shown above), 3'x8', 4'x5', 3'x4'
- Any custom size smaller than 5’x10’
Pattern Openness
Pattern Scores
Shade7 / 10
Privacy7 / 10
Biomimicry6 / 10
Structural Strength8 / 10
Small Hole Size4 / 10
MESH6 / 10
Available Panel Sizes
- Common sizes: 4'x8' (shown above), 3'x8', 4'x5', 3'x4'
- Any custom size smaller than 5’x10’