When had Zelda been the happiest in her life? Summer tea dances at her parent’s country club, the day she first saw his head of blonde hair, that first trip to Manhattan, or the strolls together in Paris before the fame, money, the gin, and madness took control? Scott knew. It was that sultry evening in Montgomery that he first saw her, that night with the tiny flower in her hair – she was nothing like the other girls, she was perfect.
Available Panel Sizes
- Common sizes: 4'x8' (shown above), 3'x8', 4'x5', 3'x4'
- Any custom size smaller than 5’x10’
Additional Information
- Guardrail Compliant (4" sphere)
Pattern Openness
Pattern Scores
Shade6 / 10
Privacy8 / 10
Biomimicry5 / 10
Structural Strength7 / 10
Small Hole Size7 / 10
MESH6 / 10
Available Panel Sizes
- Common sizes: 4'x8' (shown above), 3'x8', 4'x5', 3'x4'
- Any custom size smaller than 5’x10’
Additional Information
- Guardrail Compliant (4" sphere)